Odată cu dezvoltarea rapidă a internetului, dezvoltarea industriei de catering se schimbă, de asemenea, cu fiecare zi care trece. Modul de comandare a alimentelor a suferit, de asemenea, schimbări extraordinare. Nu se mai bazează doar pe modul tradițional de comandare a chelnerilor din magazin. Au existat comenzi mobile (de luat masa),
restaurant chiosc de comandă self service, manual ordering, etc. Multiple modes coexist. The ordering mode of the restaurant chiosc de comandă self service also integrates the functions of the other two modes, which can realize ordering. So what are the benefits of applying self-service ordering machines in the catering industry?
1. Reduceți timpul necesar clienților pentru a face coadă la comandă și îmbunătățiți capacitatea de serviciu a întregului magazin
restaurant chiosc de comandă self service in the catering industry has many benefits. The use of the mașină de comandă self-servicecan reduce the time for customers to queue up for ordering. Customers can choose dine-in and take-out 2 modes of ordering on the self-service ordering machine. After ordering, they can also settle directly. And after the payment is successful, the ordered dishes will be sent directly to the back kitchen printer, reducing the time wasted in information transmission. The use of the restaurant chiosc de comandă self service greatly improves the service capability of the entire store and brings better service to customers.
2. Reduceți costurile forței de muncă
Aplicarearestaurant chiosc de comandă self service in the catering industry can also help businesses reduce a lot of labor costs. By choosing the self-service ordering model, merchants can reduce the number of waiters that need to be placed in ordering and settlement in the store, which greatly reduces the merchant's high labor costs.
3. Analiza datelor pentru a ajuta managementul afacerii
Pe lângă funcțiile de ordonare și decontare,
mașină de comandă self-servicecan also record the customer's consumption amount and other information on the restaurant chiosc de comandă self service. Then the mașină de comandă self-servicecan help the merchant complete the analysis of the dishes in the store, as well as some docking in financial data. In this way, it can help the business to better adjust the restaurant, and it can also reduce the problem of the business's data statistics.